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my lack of self control continues..
Name: "Majesty"
Age: 600+
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Foreseer Dragon*
Height: 6'9"
Class: Berserker
Favorite Food: Lamb Shanks
Items: An everglowing lantern, a long, blood stained sword.
Job: Librarian
Likes: SLEEPING, learning about the modern world, Hyacinth, eye puns, mountains of pillows you can just chill on, hunting, little plants you can look after.
Dislikes: Door frames - why? are they so short?, people pulling on her hair, accidentally tripping over her own hair, losing her lantern, shoes.
Personality: Whilst she does seem somewhat foreboding at first, Majesty is just a generally nice and curious person. She's a little slow at times, and somewhat sleepy in the way that she talks, just having years of sleep to still wake up from. She's extremely loyal and trusting of people too, and can't really tell if people are using her or not, on the downside.
History: Majesty was born hundreds of years ago into an exclusive race of dragon, growing up in a tight knit circle of foreseer dragons, whom only occasionally left their home to help humans. As she got older, Majesty also left the nest to assist humans, supernatural and cryptids alike, although unfortunately for her, the time she was allowed to help others was only in a limited window of time.
As she got around 200 years old, foreseer dragons started to become a race that was not used for help, but for being hunted instead. Dragon slayers would attempted to find the huge beasts that hid in the forest and valleys, either killing them or capturing them to abuse their power for their own deeds. Majesty was no exception to the dragon slaying, and was striked down on several occasions, but luckily was able to escape. Unfortunately she started to bare many wounds from being hunted, and one day she ended up extremely injured. Running away once more, she just barely escaped with her life before then flying off for hours, soon enough finding a deep cave where she went to sleep.
She had assumed she was due to die, but instead of doing so, the dragon reminded sleeping there for hundreds of years. Her cave was hidden well enough so that none ever found her except for local wildlife, whom had accepted the sleeping dragon as part of the cave due to how long she was there for.
Although recently, after years of sleep, Majesty woke up again. Breaking out of her cave - she was surprised to see the world so different. Immediately she ran into some campers whom were nearby, these people surprised to see a dragon in return. Whilst she could speak to them as a dragon, she was curious as to why they weren't immediately out to attack her - actually, they started running away. Surprised by this turn of events, Majesty used some of the magic in her body to shift into a more human appearance to try and warm up to them, although by the time she'd figured it out the people had already escaped.
Deciding to stay like this to avoid scaring further people, she just.. started to walk. Eventually after a few days she ended up in Indieville, wondering around the town before then ending up in the hospital where she met Hyacinth, telling the fairy her story so far. After a small chat, Hyacinth offered Majesty to live with her for the time being whilst she gets used to what the world has turned into.
- *Foreseer Dragons are basically dragons whom have the power to tell the future or see snippets into the past. They were relied on for fortune telling back in ancient and medieval times, but eventually forgotten about (since they purposefully removed their existence from records to avoid being hunted).
- Majesty isn't her real name, since her true name is basically unpronounceable by mortal tongues and probably can curse anyone who actually says it.
- The name Majesty was picked up from before the time she was hunted, when she was friends with some human children. They said her demeanour reminded them of royalty, hence the name Majesty.
- She can shift into a Forseer Dragon; which is her true form. But having a human one is nice so she isn't going to rely on that for a long time!
- Her sword was actually something that was jammed in her body whilst she was sleep. She decided just take it along for self defence.
- Toughness: x 9
- Sturdiness: x 27
- Confidence: x 2
- Intuition: x 10
- Luck: x 4
(overall - 20/15+5 bersekerstats +15 bkv +15 bkv)
RP Method:
- Discord, Skype or dA Chat - just swing a note in/comment below and I'll give you my discord/skype or give me yours
- I can go from one-liers to 4 paragraphs so yeah , headcannons and crack are fun too
- im like, slow sometimes but I do reply.. just nudge me if im taking 2 long tho
- I'm 22 so I'm fine w/18+ threads as long as we both agree first
- I can do multiship or singleship it depneds on what my partner would like..
Image size
2000x1584px 1.01 MB
© 2017 - 2025 TwistedCorn
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o gosh her backstory is so INTERESTING!! 
Every day on Majesty's route, she passes a tiny, budding flower. Every day, the flower blooms a tiny bit more. One day, Majesty passes it to see that it has blossomed into a beautiful $50 bill, ripe for the plucking! Hooray!

Every day on Majesty's route, she passes a tiny, budding flower. Every day, the flower blooms a tiny bit more. One day, Majesty passes it to see that it has blossomed into a beautiful $50 bill, ripe for the plucking! Hooray!