Alois G. Isolde - IndievilleTwistedCorn on DeviantArt

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Alois G. Isolde - Indieville



"Oh, it's nothing to worry about, Darling~"

Name: Alois G. Isolde
Age: Appears in his 20s
Gender: Male
Orientation: find out if you want ♥
Species: Barter Demon 

Height: 6'3"
Class: Berserker
Favorite Food: Rosemary Crackers
Items: A large jacket which seems to be harbouring infinite space inside it, a key ring with some house keys on it, an iPhone in a cutesey bunny case.
Job: Bartering; he makes deals with people for different things in return. | Owner of Café Thanks a Latté

Likes: His little darlings, bothering people, maids, wasting everyone's time, long walks on the beach, Echo, the colour purple.
Dislikes: Being asked to many questions, his missing eye, when his darlings run away from him : (, the sun.

Personality: Almost childlike and perfectly annoying - he seems to act innocent around people, but once you get to know him, he starts to become rather clingy and off-putting. He's quick to throw tantrums if things don't go his way, although he recovers from these pretty fast ('you wanted to see over-dramatic'). If he likes a person, as stated he does get clingy and flirty with them. In terms of doing business deals, he does have a serious face, which never lasts too long when the deal is up. 

History: The start of Alois' past is shrouded in mystery. There's stories that float around saying he's possessing someone's body, or that he was sent from hell personally to cause a ruckus in his little corner of the world, but the demon never confirms or denies these, usually spinning another tall tale about the roots of his existence instead. 

It wasn't until the early days of Indieville that the barter demon then took residence in the town. At this point in time, he had several subordinate demons working for him, although they didn't all live in the town, rather so they were scattered around the globe. Although the strange town did end up providing him many more subordinates over time, Alois twisting any deals he made with them, changing his promise from fulfilling their wish to wiping their memories and turning them into demons. Whilst he did treat each of them with enough respect so that they would give him his own, he did tend to get rather clingy to certain ones, forcing them to stay within the large homestead that he owned in the corner of town.

Echo was one of those special few in his book, and whilst he didn't always wipe the minds of his new demons, he did in her case. She would say it was out of spite to trick her, whilst some part of him didn't want her to have connections back to her depressing human roots. In her early decades of work, the two ended up getting rather close to each other to the point of borderline dating; which caused distress from the other female demons in his ranks. In turn to avoid this unrest, he ended up treating Echo somewhat cruelly, which lead to the point of her then running away from his manor. Since he hadn't been expecting that result, he found it absolutely hilarious and since then had continued on with his life, with of course now constantly bothering Echo to see if that would bring her back home.

  • A lot of his funds are from his subordinates - they tend to pay him as part of their 'contract' and that how he keeps himself financially afloat. 
  • Demons under Alois' power all have tattoos that vaguely remember chains around their body. Most of them tend to cover these up though so it's not always obvious they are working for him.
  • He lost his eye as part of a barter deal he did before coming to Indieville. Apparently he got his coat from doing said deal, although that rumour isn't confirmed just yet.
  • Owns a really nice collection of heeled boots.
  • Alois is also a demon whom is embodying the sin of Greed. It's not obvious at first, but his deals tend to be unfair on the person offering's side. But then again, if you wanted something almost supernatural and impossible to get - wouldn't you offer a lot?
  • Like Echo, he can also teleport, fly and use an eradication power.

  • Toughness: ••••••
  • Sturdiness: •••
  • Confidence: •••••••
  • Intuition: •••
  • Luck: •••
(overall - 20/15+5 berserker stats)

RP Method: 
  • Discord, Skype or dA Chat - just swing a note in/comment below and I'll give you my discord/skype or give me yours 
  • I can go from one-liers to 4 paragraphs so yeah , headcannons and crack are fun too
  • im like, slow sometimes but I do reply.. just nudge me if im taking 2 long tho
  • I'm 22 so I'm fine w/18+ threads as long as we both agree first
  • I can do multiship or singleship it depneds on what my partner would like.
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