:pointr: Webmanga plugs. Hi guys! My new account is still at :iconmushroomtale:, I just came back to plug some new stuff!If you haven't heard, I and Kurashu have a new manga up and running on Smackjeeves called Soul Dice . It's a new and improved Venom Fang, and we've updated up to page 5 so far. So please check it out if you have the time! :heart: :heart: :heart::star: Soul Dice :star:I'm currently working on the inks for volume 2 of Games with Me, and I've revived my LJ blog with WIPs.Please also check out :devrosek:'s manga, Refraction ! :heart:--- Soul Dice @ Smackjeeves mushroomtale @ LJ mushroomtale @ Tumblr ---:heart: :iconmu...