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The Doctor meets GLaDOS



"That's quite a machine you've got there. And you say you're a Time Lord? Interesting…"

Heheheh. :iconheplz:
Second kiriban prize, this time for :iconstardustnhs: (yep, two people caught it! XD), who requested a picture of Android!GLaDOS meeting the 11th Doctor. c:

I reckon they'd get on perfectly fine, until the Doctor finds out just what GLaDOS did to all those scientists. Then there'd be trouble. ^^;

Hope you like this, download for full view! :heart:

Background texture: [link] , the TARDIS interior and sign on the front are just pulled from photos (>_>;; ), and the wood and I found the wood and fabric textures on Google Images.

Also, you know the deal by know, if it's squashed please let me know, so I can un-squash it. c:''
Image size
2456x3507px 4.57 MB
© 2011 - 2024 TwinklePowderySnow
StriatonTrioFan7's avatar
That looks awesome! <3 :D
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