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Blue Beard's Secret



My entry for children's story contest.
The category is "Photomanipulation Dark", and the story I chose was the Grimm fairy tale "Blue Beard".
Level :Intermediate

One of the more obscure, and gruesome, of the Grimm fairytales, Blue Beard is a story about a young woman who marries a man with a hideous bright blue beard. The only rule he gives her is that she must never enter this one room. She agrees, and they are fairly happy, and rich, for awhile. But one day Blue Beard goes out and gives her the key to the room, giving her the same warning as before. Eventually her curiousity over comes her, and she looks in the room. What she finds are the bodies of all his previous wives. Of course Blue Beard finds out that she looked in the room, and decides to kill her too. There are two variations I know of on how the story ends. One version has the story ending with Blue Beard closing in on his wife to kill her. The other has the young woman's brothers coming to her rescue and killing Blue Beard.

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Image size
524x700px 471.5 KB
© 2006 - 2024 TwilightUnicorn
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Elandria's avatar
Good luck in the contest! I love the textures in this :nod: :hug: Thanks for using my stock!!