TwilightAmbiance on DeviantArt

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October 17, 2008
The suggester wrote: "Worn In Time by =TwilightAmbiance is a beautiful piece. It adds a completely different perspective on fractal art."

And I agree. This fractal has it all: a terrific gradient, good composition, excellent light play and a sense of movement in time. The title suggests... and the image conveys this concept well! It's a signature piece from the artist's gallery, so please take a closer look.
Featured by Sophquest
Suggested by querulousArtisan
TwilightAmbiance's avatar

Worn In Time



Created with Apophysis 2.06 3D hack.

Edit as of 10/17/08: This piece has always been a subject of debate for me as of its standing in my gallery. I never liked all of the hot spots I produced when rendering this, but I also loved the numerous shapes (especially the helix) I got out of it.

The public has obviously spoken. Thanks a lot for the support, everyone.

Comments and critiquing greatly appreciated. :)
Image size
1040x1300px 1.97 MB
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xzendor7's avatar
This Reminds Me OF The Movie Tron