SPN: Touched by an AngelTwilight-Deviant on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/twilight-deviant/art/SPN-Touched-by-an-Angel-99992710Twilight-Deviant

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SPN: Touched by an Angel



:iconangelwingleftplz:SUPERNATURAL SEASON FOUR SPOILERS!!:iconangelwingrightplz:

Everybody gets to be OOC in this one!! Wooooo!! XDD Well, except maybe for Sam. He did want to be a lawyer before his life was screwed up in the first episode after all. That makes this all the more funny. *laughs at victimized Dean face* Hahahaha. So unlike him.

Yes, this was inspired by that episode of Family Guy or whatever where they make fun of the show Touched by an Angel (a series about angels helping people, in case you didn't know) by turning it into a sexual assault case. I probably could have gone the same direction with this, but I'm most likely already due a random smiting as it is...:paranoid: Plus, Castiel really did touch Dean on the shoulder...hard. :XD: >>>>>[link]

I think this one looks a little more like Castiel. Getting closer!! =3=

Dude!! This past week's episode- 'In the Beginning'- was SO FRICKIN AWESOME!! Such a good episode!! :heart: Haha, I especially like when Dean woke up and Castiel was sitting on the bed next to him. "Hello Dean. What were you dreaming about?" Hahahahaha. :lmao: And then in the end, when Dean was so sad that he couldn't stop her from making the deal in time and you can hear Castiel fly up and then you see him put his hand on Dean's shoulder to comfort him. Squee!! I love it!! >3<

Castiel, Sam, Dean (c) Supernatural
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Heart-The-Hitachiins's avatar
Sam looks like a Phoenix Wright character.