3 min read

Deviation Actions

TwiggXstock's avatar
This stock profile is administrated and owned by :icontwiggx: TwiggX


First of all I want to thank all of you for using my stock! It's really appreciated and I love all the artwork it turns out to :)
Some of you seem to have missed out on my rules though, and I just want to clarify the rules that concern ALL of my stock photos (no matter what is written in their description).


Rules: :below:
:bulletblack: Link back to my stock profile/credit me in your description, it makes it easier for others to find the file
:bulletblack: Please give me a comment with a link to your deviation so I can fav it
:bulletblack: NOT for commercial use without my written permission
:bulletblack: NOT to be used outside of dA without my written permission
:bulletblack: You're NOT allowed to make prints of your deviations that include my stock photos without my written permission. (excluding the category Objects and Places.)
:bulletblack: You're NOT allowed to use my photos for any nude art
:bulletblack: If you have any questions feel free to ask



Q: What hair dye do you use for your blue hair?
A: Directions Atlantic blue and Turquoise.

Q: Where can I buy the hat you are wearing in the photo named SS?

Q: I love your dreads! Are they real?
A: No, I use synthetic dreads.

Q: Do you use dreadfalls?
A: No, I use DE-dreads. I braid them into my hair.

Q: What kind of hairdresser should I go to to get your hair?
A: No idea, I fix my hair all by myself, except from the dreads that I buy from
© 2008 - 2024 TwiggXstock
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DinapixStudio's avatar
Hi, my name is Carlos Vasquez, I am the CEO of DinapixStudio, I really liked your photos called Blau, I would like to use one for a project that I want to carry out, ( Blau by TwiggXstock ) these are some shirts for internal use of my company nothing commercial and they are only 5 or 6, we wanted to know if you can give us your permission to use to carry our project out, we will give you the necessary credits when we publish here in Deviantart. Sorry my english is not very good. Thanks.