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Squirrel Love



We went to the zoo today and the last thing we saw before we called it a day were these litle squirrells. . well we think they are squirrells. Anyway got a good one of them showingsome affection to eachother :aww:
I forgot to install Photoshop on my laptop so had todownload Gimp and I tell you, it's a piece of crap! I'm going to edit this when I get back home. Not sure if I should crop this some more or not.

Pic taken at Perth Zoo. Print available upon request.

Enjoy :)


Thanks to those people who corrected me, I google searched it does look like a chipmunk. However *Aussie-Blonde has corrected me in saying it is an Indian Palm Squirrel :giggle: Thank you Aussie Blonde :hug:



Tighter crop, fixed colour some more and blurred the bg :)

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