thanks ! hope youll send the rest of the owls as well😁
Be welcome to join my new raptor group !
I set my eyes on quite a few of your exquisite deviations that I would be glad to feature in our group gallery. Can you pls submit them to our gallery ! (I would have done it myself but you know Deviant Art limited even founder with 10 submissions per day😒).
You can find them here. Ive grouped them in a Favourites collection with your username
Orphydian - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt
Also if you have other art on this thematic and of this quality on other sites or not uploaded at all pls consider doing it. we will gladly feature that as well 👌
It seem that bird of prey thematic really suits you. There is a certain clean quality that seems perfect for bird illustration and identification. I suspect you would be equally awesome on drawing diurnal raptors as well. Do you have such intention ?