In the beginning there was the skyTurtle-Arts on DeviantArt

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In the beginning there was the sky



Heeeeeeeeey Yooooouuuuuuuu guuuuuuuuyyyyysssss!!!! :icongooniesslothplz:  Guess what? The time has finally come! The U.S. government has finally officially granted me fully realized, legal copyrights for The Sky Herder, including its title, and all included works and intellectual properties. And you know what that means? It means I can legally sue, with full documentation, anyone who tries to steal any aspect of this project. :iconhatersgonnahate-plz: Freakin' Merry Christmas to me. XD And this means that, nearly 2 years after its inception, it is time to get this ball up and rolling to share with all of you!  Yeah that's right, it's time for Turtle's first ever graphic novel!  Unfortunately, I won't be making any promises of weekly pages, since I work a lot, and I'll be doing this project on my own time. But I intend on making a site for the comic for you all to read it at and view related work.  So it may take me a bit to get this really up and going, and it's probably going to be kind of a slow moving train, but I am super psyched anyways!! :la: I've been getting so antsy waiting for my copyrights to come in, since they had to be cross examined against other existing projects to make sure that somebody else out there hadn't already made something that conflicted with my project. But evidently I am home free now, which feels really great! Ha ha, take that Disney trip wire system, I beat you fair and square! XD  Honestly though, I think I was most worried that I wouldn't get the project name. I thought for sure somebody somewhere must have had something too similar that they would knock me on. But guess not! And that means that nobody else can ever call a project that while I've got mine. C:<

Now, if you're wondering why I actually bothered to pay and get a government copyright, there's a few reasons.
1. The Sky Herder was my graduation project at school, and the professor of the class that I created it in, required that we all apply for copyright to pass the class. So I couldn't really help that. ^^;
2. I wanted one personally, since this is a project I intend on taking quite a ways. As such, it only seemed sensible to apply for full copyright, in case I need it in the future.
3. As nice as it is, people seem to respond really positively to this project. Like, really positively. Like to the point of stealing stuff right out of my gallery show for it. ^^; There's always a problem when you create an IP that people really like, that some people want to take it. No even that they want to take the whole thing, just parts or design ideas or whatever. So to protect myself from deliberate, or even non-deliberate theft- bam, full copyrights. XD

But anywho, to celebrate me finally getting my documents in the mail, I decided to post this image! It was the cover of the process book that went with my graduation show. Which, now that I'm going to be doing the graphic novel, I won't be putting this book up for immediate sale, like I had initially intended after getting the rights. Mostly because I don't want to give any of you spoilers. ;)  So for now, I hope you enjoy this pic! And I'm off to go have a little dance party with myself. XD

Art and The Sky Herder IP copyright Anna Earley, 2013 (aww yeah baby)
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© 2013 - 2025 Turtle-Arts
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RebellingLemming's avatar
Congratulation! Great dragon eye?!? Just known you got a webcomic! My heart really goes for that! My brain seem obsessed with your vivid, colorful, gorgeous styles. Stunning creativity as always!