tursiart on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tursiart/art/Halloween-Printable-Apothecary-Bottle-Labels-326621190tursiart

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Halloween Printable Apothecary Bottle Labels



I created these labels last night, using illustrations sourced from the public domain.
Perfect for a Halloween party, Apothecary Props, Photo Shoot, or any other similar event. I tried to deviate a little from most of the typical Halloween Bottle labels you see and create something a little more different and original.

The B&W Labels look fantastic printed on parchment or linen paper and then aged.
The full size printable files are available for purchase in my etsy store for just $1.99, here is the link: [link]

Full color labels are:
Daemon's Delight
Unicorn Blood
Snake Oil Panacea
Pirate's Grog
Mermaid's Tears
Troll Toddy
Vampire Bat Repellent
Delirium Inducer

Black and White labels are:
Haitian Voodoo Zombie Antidote
Father Damien Karras' Exorcism Elixir - Expells 99.9% of demons and evil spirits
Wolfsbane - Aconitum Extract
Madam Brunhilda's Wart Growth Serum
Goblin Grog
Howard Carter's Mummy Repellent
Bogeyman Booze - Specter Spirits!
Daemon's Delight

I purposefully used only copyright free / public domain illustrations to create these labels. Here are credits:

Color Labels:
Daemon's Delight – Detail from The Last Judgement, part of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo, 1536-1541
Unicorn Blood – Detail from “The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle” part of the Hunt of the Unicorn Tapestry series. Artist Unknown. 1495–1505
Mermaid's Tears -Stories from Hans Andersen,1837. Illustration by Edmund Dulac, 1911 edition.
Troll Toddy - Among Pixies and Trolls, Alfred Smedberg. 1912.
Snake Oil Panacea -Jormungandr. Walhall, die Gïtterwelt der Germanen. Emil Doepler 1905
Pirate's Grog -Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates, Howard I. Pyle 1911, 1921
Vampire Bat Repellent -Vampire Landlord, 1882. Artist unknown.
Delirium Inducer – Detail from Pieta. Carlo Crivelli. Circa 1493

Wart Growth Serum -Europa's fairy book, Joseph Jacobs John Dickson Batten 1854-1916.
Mummy Repellent -Illustration from the Encyclopaedia Biblica. Artist unknown. 1899.
Zombie Antidode -A Zombie, at twilight, in a field of cane sugar of Haiti, Jean-Noel Lafargue
Exorcism Elixir -Demon, Exiting Mouth of King. More Celtic Fairy Tales. John Dickson Batten. 1892.
Bogeyman Booze – Detail from Apparitions. J.A.S. Collin de Plancy. Dictionnaire Infernal. 1863.
Goblin Grog -Asmodée. J.A.S. Collin de Plancy. Dictionnaire Infernal. 1863
Wolfsbane -The Werewolf Delusion, Ian Woodward
Daemon's Delight -Diable. J.A.S. Collin de Plancy. Dictionnaire Infernal. 1863
Image size
800x1067px 847.04 KB
© 2012 - 2024 tursiart
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