turp on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/turp/art/World-and-Hands-Stock-166823195turp

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turp's avatar

World and Hands Stock



So I did a design for this company...apparently they didn't actually want me to do any work, they just wanted me to re-do their logo. And they forgot to tell me that. So I wasted my time stressing over a logo they didn't care about...But my loss is your gain!

The world and the hands are seperate and can be used seperately, you just need to fix up the areas that I cut out. Please note me if you use this and leave a link in your description :) I've never done vector stock so I'm excited to see if anyone uses it. Download for the .psd
Image size
2976x2496px 2.94 MB
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Hello! Would you mind if I use this commercially for my clothing brand?