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Badge Awards
I'll be selling this as a print at EFNW next month! Hope I can see at least a few people there!
Managed to record a time-lapse of this! Video's up on YouTube
Disclaimer: Under no circumstances do you have permission to repost or use this image, the images of any character on this grid drawn by me, or my other work for any reason unless specifically stated otherwise. This image may not be used for AI. The customer who purchases a design or illustration may use it from me for personal uses, but may not sell a design without asking permission first. They may also post the original image Toyhouse or similar sites, as long as credit is provided. Do not repost my art to other websites, or for any other personal or commercial use. If you have a question, or would like to ask permission to use a piece, please contact me about it.
I do not sell NFT's of any sort, and if you see one, it is stolen art.
Wow that looks amazing but I bet 30.00$ you can't make good art on autodesk sketchbook.