Jethro Skull Referencesturkeycreaux on DeviantArt

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Jethro Skull References



UPDATED - 1/26/08

Jethro wants to be a rock star.

Ever since he was a kid, that was all Jethro ever wanted. Then he hit puberty and mutated into the hideous freak you see before you. Convinced that no band would ever want such a scary looking front man (despite the fact that half the rock bands in existance use skulls and skeletons as mascots), Jethro turned to a life a crime. He soon made friends with the Skulls, for obvious reasons, and they brought him to Paragon. He gets a bit star struck at times meeting big name heroes and villains, but he's bound and determined to make a name for himself one way or another.

"Let me bring you all things refined...."

My Jethro Tull inspired villain. Each of his costumes is inspired by a different album cover. With the exception of his main costume, see the individual albums for exactly what the costumes should look like....

Too Old to Rock N' Roll, Too Young to Die - His Main Costume.

Aqualung - alternate costume 1, his bum outfit. Pretty much as I'd want it.

A - alternate costume 2, his uniform. Should look more like a one piece jumpsuit with a tactical belt, but this was as close as I could figure with the costume maker.

Warchild - alternate costume 3, his ringleader costume. Again, foiled by the costume creator, the trenchcoat should look more like a ringleaders coat with tails, and he should have those funky pants with the buldges on the sides. Huzzah!

Broadsword and the Beast - Final costume, his otherworldly costume. Pretty much exactly the way I want the costume, now that I got the fairy wings for him. YAY!

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