Speed Group 01turbofanatic on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/turbofanatic/art/Speed-Group-01-166558824turbofanatic

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turbofanatic's avatar

Speed Group 01




I'm an idiot and decided to do the 30 Days of Creativity Event [link] , the goal of which is to do some creative project every day. I decided to attempt a speedpainting each day. These are the successful results so far (the one on the right is from before June, I just wanted to post it).

From left to right:
-I have no idea. None. I don't really want to have an idea about this one.
-Not sure what it is but it is SOOOOO happy to see you.
-A transhuman! The generic catch-all category for any freaky human that I know nothing about.
-An exoskeleton suit from Babyface's world. It looks Chinese and has all of its stealthiness ruined because I wanted to put blue lights on it.

I'll upload more as they are done, until then I am vegging out and playing Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Photoshop CS3, Wacom Tablet, about two hours per painting.

EDIT: Holy craps, even if I tell it to be full size on full view, it only resizes to he width of the screen. You'll probably have to download for full view.
Image size
2474x700px 270.15 KB
© 2010 - 2025 turbofanatic
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Director1265's avatar
Give me 30 Days to be creative and I could potentially replace DeviantArt! XD XD XD