PONIES!!! - 128Turag on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/turag/art/PONIES-128-511045058Turag

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PONIES!!! - 128



Usually I don't know what to say here, but this time I have a lot to say.

- There's a progressive rock band called Zebra. It was so perfect, but too stupid even for me, so I went with The Clash punk band.
- I like to think that Princess of the Earth it's like Captain Planet. At least in MLP the Power of Heart would make some sense.
- I suppose that new readers have the same what-the-heck-is-going-on-here reaction. The comic is as crazy as the kids' own little world.
- Moth-ponies are cute, I guess? Moths are pretty cute by themselves, even if they are horrible creatures.

That's all. Peace.

Proofread by :iconrefferee: www.fimfiction.net/user/reffer… and :icontrixie-j-lulamoon:
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FunnyFany's avatar
Good I checked this out, now excuse me while I go draw them moth ponies.