UPDATES: 3/25 Back from a long but very important hiatus! For those of you who follow me on Tumblr, I've kept up to date on my recent events...
and that was joining the Army!
March 22nd I was sworn in, and August 28th is when I will be shipped out. Those of you who are curious, I'm going in as a Health care specialist, or nursing.
It's opposite of what I want to do, but with my boyfriend gone for another year and a half, and school hasn't done much for me, this will help me get ahead in life and get some real world experience. I could take forever explaining my reasons for it, but to spare you guys the details, just a way to be a little mo...
I discovered your page after searching for South Park and stumbled upon your page during your birthday week! Happy Birthday and I hope you are doing well wherever you are in life!