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Deviation Actions

tuomaskoivurinne's avatar
Hello, my little Deviant hymenopterans around the world!
Finally my schedule has opened up a bit, as I have finished my series of paintings featuring the variety of Ceratopsidae-family. I must apologize for this to have taken so much time, but there's been lot of other things going on besides art, and I've tried to paint as often as possible.
My purpose was not to cover all of them, so in case I have managed to miss your particular favourite, feel free to send some hatemail. Now, what I wish to do, is to announce a WRITING CONTEST.

- Basic idea is to write a short, fictional story (in English) about the illustration of your own choice in my Ceratopsidae-series.
- The winner text will be added to the particular illustration in my DeviantART gallery, with credits, of course.
- Besides fame, the three best also get a free commission artwork from me. Meaning three individual works, what ever he/she wants me to do.  

- Open for everybody in DeviantART. Participant doesn't need to have me in his/her DevWatch or vice versa.
- All entries must be original works. Plagiarism, art thievery, use of copyrighted text without permission will result in disqualification. And a nasty gunshot wound in the forehead.
- Entries can be works of prose or poetry, with prose encouraged.
- Entry must be included with separate text "Horns (number)", identifying the particular illustration of the series, it portrays.
- You can decide the length of your story, between the range of 150 - 1400 words.
- Entries can be either submitted to your own DeviantART Gallery as "Literature" (Note me with a link) or sent to me by e-mail at .
- The deadline for entries is October 31st 2010.
- All rights in the story remain property of the author.
- Entries will be judged by me. I shall pay extra attention to the authenticity, atmosphere, originality and imagination. Adding Finnish military into the story will do you no good. The decisions are entirely mine, and are final.
- Any questions can be send into this Journal entry, for everybody to see.

:iconelsarose: Hunt: Blue Mist from "Horns01" link
:iconulquiorrajaggerjack: Bravery from "Horns05" link
:iconulfsark: Stampede from "Horns06" link

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© 2010 - 2024 tuomaskoivurinne
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Gorgosaurus's avatar
I´m busy working on a couple of exhibitions, Tuomas, but will try to write something in time for your dead-line.
