Slytherin Cresttuliipiie on DeviantArt

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tuliipiie's avatar

Slytherin Crest



i drew this as a request from ~burnia.
i hope you like it! :blowkiss:

(pencil, colored pencil, markers, crayon, pen)

Skye Drake 2011
My artwork may not be used without my permission.
Image size
1783x2286px 2.59 MB
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Caine89's avatar
HAH NOW i know what SLYTHERIN is! EPIC BOSSILICIOUS work Soulmatey!! I started to look Harry Potter, and guess what? I freaking love it! Serious!! Its EPIC! I want to see the rest, but i have not enough freetime, have to wait untill weekend. :/ Dont even made it to watch the whole first movie, so i will watch it again. :] Power to the Skye! (>°0°)>----OoBZZAPoO You are so talented! I love how the green turned out, you traditional artist of nature beauty! I love you! I want to hug you NOW!