Wiggle Wisaal - Covertuffix on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tuffix/art/Wiggle-Wisaal-Cover-121771726tuffix

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Wiggle Wisaal - Cover



Well, this is the cover for my very first Manga comic, that I'm working on for the :iconmuslim-manga: contest.

I'm going to explain my concept in my next deviation.

So: Please tell me, if you like it and let me know, if the title has no strange meaning in anglophone states, cause I searched so long for the right term (It's about the nose wriggling) :/

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You can even read it in German: [link]

And in French, as well! [link] This version is translated by :iconundryable: Thank you, sister! :hug:

And now on Spanish! How cool is that? :w00t:
[link] Thank you so much for the translation, :iconbeybladerkingdom:
Image size
750x1074px 261.58 KB
© 2009 - 2025 tuffix
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shsn's avatar

Is the title Wiggle Wisaal or Wiggle Wissal?
The first one I wrote is the one you have written for the English version. The next one I wrote is the title of the German translation. I didn't know if the title's spelling changed a little because of the translation or if it is just a type.

thanks in advance