tuffix on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tuffix/art/The-Fight-704240668tuffix

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tuffix's avatar

The Fight



One of my biggest struggles: Keeping the balance.
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4724x4724px 2.25 MB
© 2017 - 2024 tuffix
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fireweed15's avatar
Same. I used to be very active on the digital social justice front, lots of petition signing-- then in November a lot of things happened at once, being diagnosed with depression in December, and then the three ring circus my government has become... between all that I just had to stop. I got tired of my email inbox reminding just how wretched the world is, and I'm still trying to find the fine line between I want the world I live in to be a better place and I want to take care of myself mentally so that I can walk it.