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TsunLion's avatar

Big Adopt Pack MOVED



Bullet; Blue These are all of my OPEN gem adopts, meaning, ones I haven't sold yet Bullet; Yellow 
Bullet; Yellow They are all slightly reduced in price due to them Bullet; Blue 
Bullet; Blue being unsold, the corrupted ones are still the most expensive Bullet; Yellow 
Bullet; Yellow because they're my favourite ones and i'm not letting them go for cheap Bullet; Blue    

I accept points and PayPal!!! 

1) Dot Bullet (Lime Green) - F2U! Nephrite Owner: none Price: Points 200 or $1.50 
2) Bullet; Red Garnet Owner: none Price: Points 200 or $1.50
3) Bullet Blue Fluorite Owner: none Price: Points 200 or $1.50
4) Bullet; Red Blood Pearl Owner: none Price: Points 150 or $1.00
5) Bullet; Orange Amber Owner: :iconiityrano: Price: Points 250 or $2.00
6) Strawberry Ice Cream Bullet Opalised Bone Owner: :iconskythelucario: Price: Points 450 or $4.50
7) Dot Bullet (Brown) - F2U! Septarian Owner: :iconskythelucario: Price: Points 250 or $2.00
8) Bullet; Red Ruby Owner: none Price: Points 200 or $1.50
9) Dot Bullet (Pink) - F2U! Rainbow Quartz Owner: none Price: Points 150 or $1.00
10) Bullet; Green Peridot Owner: none Price: Points 150 or $1.00
11) Bullet; Green Over-Cooked Peridot Owner: none Price: Points 150 or $1.00
12) Dark blue bullet Corrupted Lapis Owner: none Price: Points 450 or $4.50
13) Bullet; Blue Pallasite Owner: none Price: Points 150 or $1.00
14) Bullet Blue Angelite Owner: none Price: Points 250 or $2.00
Image size
3500x1000px 1.07 MB
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Cosmicdataworld's avatar

is Corrupted Lapis still open? if so may i pay with paypal?