Tribe Progress Tracker

12 min read

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TsulaTribe's avatar

Tribe Progress Tracker

Lower Tier

10 TP - +5 to group sanctioned Endurance Classes
30 TP - +5% success rate towards Hunting
50 TP-  +5% success rate towards Taming

Middle Tier

100 TP - HP bonus for including a fellow tribe mates Tokota in a picture. +2HP to all Tokotas depicted.
150 TP - +5% success rate towards Caving
200 TP - +5% success rate towards Hunting Sanction Classes
250 TP - Achieved 10% Tribe discount at the trading post.
300 TP - Tribe fishing unlocked. Higher chance of rare fish and more fish available than regular fishing. 
500 TP - Tribe hunting unlocked. Higher chance of rare pelts and more pelts available than regular hunting.
750 TP - Tribe exploration unlocked. Chance to find exclusive items like a tribe companion.
1000 TP - Breeding bonus, 5% chance increase of rare manes.

Admin Confirmation

Members Approved for Benefits:


SparkyShinobi (Gidayu/Zekmyr)
NokotaPeaks /ArsenicLaced

131 Members as of Feb. 01, 2018 -Ninja

© 2015 - 2025 TsulaTribe
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galacticpink's avatar
Since Pack Leaders can do Tribe Activities on their own, my uncollabed pieces would count for unlocking Tribe Leasing right? Just want to be sure :heart: (Obviously, I'm a Pack Leader~)