Character Meme: Io Edition

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tsukki-ren's avatar
Tagged by dayzea
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1. Post 8 facts about your character.
2. Tag 8 other Characters.
3. Post their names along with their creator's avatars.

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8 Facts about Io:

1.  Came to Sedo with her parents when she was roughly over a year old. It was there where she met Sal and the two instantly hit it off. Her first memory of him was his blue eyes. Blue is her favorite color, so of course she was instantly awed.

2. Was very energetic as a foal and very rowdy as a teenager. Io always preferred hanging out with the colts rather than with the other fillies, but either way she was always with Sal, so rarely was it that she went off to play with others. She was very scruffy at the time and usually often scratched up.

3. Although she already knew that she couldn't imagine a life without Sal, she didn't realize her feelings for her best friend was actually love until her late teens. She was a bit unsure about everything at first, but she doesn't regret a thing.

4. Io's love for Sal is impossible to measure. He's always been there at her side for as long as she can remember. Long periods of time without him are physically painful and she grows extremely anxious and will tend to pace. Salvatore is her everything. 

5. Her family means the world to her. The day that mama Simmy was taken was a day she'll never forget. It broke her to see Sal like that, especially since there was nothing she could do to help him or Simeon. If her hatred for Valore and the Aodhians wasn't strong before, that day definitely strengthened that fire.

6. Io hardly ever flies despite the fact that she enjoys it above almost everything else. Nothing beats having the wind through her feathers. But her decision to stay grounded is partially subconscious, since her father can't fly and neither can Sal or most of her fellow Serorans, neither does she.

7. It was her dream to become an Iron Hoof. It broke her heart the day she discovered she couldn't. This meant not only could she not serve the sultan in the most honorable way possible (in her point of view), but she would also be apart from Sal for extended periods of time. The length of the time he's gone differs, but it slowly starts to take affect on her. 

8. When it comes to affection, the courageous and daring Io instantly turns shy. Sal is irresistible and she enjoys their time together more than anything, but she requires a lot of reassurance and kisses in order to take that extra step toward anything sexual. Although on rare occasions she can be quite seductive, especially if she knows it'll convince him to stay just one more night~

    Tagging more beautiful dorks:

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dayzea's avatar
god i love her she is everything