tsukitenshi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tsukitenshi/art/Duality-101770523tsukitenshi

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Was going to tweak this a bit more, but people coming in and out this evening seemed to like it. At first I wasn't sure whether to go with a good/evil theme, or a light/dark theme. I chose the latter, but it turned into much more of a day/night thing than just light/dark. Still, I decided to put in the yin yang symbolss to show the concept of duality, and the idea that despite being opposing forces, one can't exist without the other. /end ramble.

PS, I'd like to thank all the creators, because although I tried to make things for this room, they just couldn't compare with the talent of the creators on whirled. Also, thanks to the people who complimented this, because I wasn't going to add it; your encouragement made me very happy :)

I added the faerie dragon, and thought it would be neat to have a dark version on the light side. The best thing I could do was use two inversions on the light side so that when it flies over, it turns dark. However, this means that the avatars will invert as well; what do you guys think about that? Should I go back to how it was without the dragon?
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