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Rikku - Final Fantasy X



Today was such an awesome day.

I'm so happy I got to cosplay one of my most favourite female characters ever; RIKKU!!!! 8D
I'm so happy to finally have her done.

I had a lot of fun finishing all the really minor details on this costume. Even spent 3 all nighters before SMASH just to get her finished. DX but I love Rikku so much it was totally worth it. xD

This group was such hell to organise, but uber thanks to :iconwakaleo: who pushed & persisted to find replacements for each member everytime they bailed out. In the end we had 7 different people who had to unfortunately not participate in the group DX

Thanks soooo much :iconk-chan009: For working with me so much & taking so many shots of me jumping in the ocean to get the perfect shot. YOu're so lovely & awesome I love you!!!!

The waves were so strong I kept nearly falling over, my butt got so soaked, & the waves literally tore my shoes apart. DX

Gwah... I'm to exhausted from this awesome weekend. I'll post more information later, but right now. I'm so uber happy. ^^

Yuna: :iconastellecia:
Wakka: :iconwakaleo:
Rikku: :icontsubaki-chan:
Tidus: :iconamenokitarou:
Lulu: Peggy

Thanks everyone for being so epic!!! >///3///<


Character: Rikku
Series: Final Fantasy X
Costume Made/Worn by: :icontsubaki-chan:
EPIC Photography by: :iconk-chan009: K-TOGRAPHY!!!!
Post by: :icontsubaki-chan:

Special Thanks to: :iconblurmage: :icon13-zer0: :iconorganisation-roxas: & Peggy



Image size
663x1113px 557.55 KB
Canon EOS 450D
Shutter Speed
1/664 second
Focal Length
50 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Aug 8, 2010, 3:05:55 PM
© 2010 - 2024 Tsubaki-chan
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moyashisoba's avatar
( ´O)η you are so beautiful~~!!!