4716 TFR Royal Guardian **TsonianFieldsRanch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tsonianfieldsranch/art/4716-TFR-Royal-Guardian-372267073TsonianFieldsRanch

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4716 TFR Royal Guardian **



Name: TFR Royal Guardian 4716 **
Barn Name: Gawdy
Show Riders: Nichole Urbano, Kyle Urbano
Owner: Naydene Urbano
Registered: :iconhorseart-rpg::iconnordanner:
Breed: Nordanner
Gender: Filly
Age: 5 yo
Height: 15 h.h.
Color: Grey on Black Panda
Genetics: Ee/aa/nG/PanPan
Markings: See Picture
Disciplines: English Eventing
Dam: ArDes Desert Royalty 506 (s)
---- TFR I Know Kung Fu 147 (s)
Sire: TFR Notes On Combat 842
-------- CDS Molaesaer 77 (s)
---- CDS Harad Celeb 323
-------- Jenoubee 70 (s)

Breeding Rules

:bulletpink: Paper Doll 6956
:bulletpink: BuD's Pixie Petal 7069
:bulletblue: A4386 Zombies Are Cool

1. Queenified USED
2. GuardianOfJay USED
3. s1088 NOT OPEN Stallion needed
4. saltyearthmango OPEN
5. z0mbiekid Enjoy! :D
6. BloodWolfsHowl NOT OPEN Stallion needed
7. ThePantsyTrio NOT OPEN Stallion needed
8. sazzy-riza NOT OPEN Stallion needed
9. :devtsonianfieldranch: 5487 McNulty's Quite Excellent Alarm Clock
10. Mustang-mad NOT OPEN Stallion needed

Personality: She's her father's child, thank all the horse gods. She is regal and proud, and makes sure not a hair is out of place, or a hoof falls short of a mark. She loves to be fussed over and groomed beautifully, and keeps her favorite people in high regard. She can't stand to be dirty, and tries to avoid foals that play too rough.

Achievement Board
Nordanner 2 Star Ribbon by sVa-BinaryStar
For :iconnordanner:
Horse ID# 4716
Horse Name: TFR Royal Guardian 4716
Gender: Filly
Age: 5 yo
Height: 15 hh
Color: Grey on Black Panda
Genotype: Ee aa nG PanPan
Tack Color: Blue and Silver

Image size
2500x4343px 1.91 MB
© 2013 - 2025 TsonianFieldsRanch
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ZyathEstate's avatar
Hey Midi, I used to have a slot to this horse but now I don't. Do you know what's up with that? ;o Are you moving her over to Drakes since auto accept for Drakes is open again?