147 TFR I Know Kung FuTsonianFieldsRanch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tsonianfieldsranch/art/147-TFR-I-Know-Kung-Fu-283528374TsonianFieldsRanch

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147 TFR I Know Kung Fu



Name: TFR I Know Kung Fu 147 :trophy:
Barn Name: Fu
Show Riders: Danielle Nagle, Breanna Wilde
Owner: Danielle Nagle
Registered: :iconhorseart-rpg::iconnordanner:
Breed: Nordanner
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5 yo
Height: 16.3 h.h.
Color: Black Panda
Genetics: EE aa PanPan
Markings: Symmetrical. See Picture
Disciplines: Dragon Hunting, Haute Ecole, War Games, Parade, Cross Country and Jumping
Sire/Dam: Starter
:bulletpink: EWS Yuukiah 82 (Spanish Build)
:bulletblue: BHS Sex Is Poison 368 (Draft Build)
:bulletblue: IHS Sir Kung Fu Fighting 379 (Draft Influence)
:bulletpink: TFR Rain In China 821 (Spanish Build)
:bulletblue: TFR Notes On Combat 842 (Draft Build)
:bulletblue: CoaH Proelii 857 (Spanish Build)
:bulletpink: MFS Kuma 896 (Spanish Build)
:bulletpink: DFF Min-Cheng 1757 (Draft Build)
:bulletblue: BCRS Báisè Huànyǐng 2161 (Spanish Build)
:bulletblue: MDS Infamous 3005 (Spanish Build)
:bulletblue: Lokavidū 3246 (Draft Build)
:bulletblue: TFR Flower Power 3269 (Draft Influence)
:bulletpink: Up In Smoke 3244 (Spanish Build)
:bulletpink: Legend 3245 (Spanish Build)
:bulletblue: DCS Treaty Of Combat (Spanish Build)
:bulletblue: AF Blood Diamonds 3451 (Draft Influence)
:bulletpink: A1626 TFR The Karate Kid (Standard Build)
Panda Carrying Grand Foals:
:bulletblue: Through The Nullabor 3272 (Draft Build)
:bulletblue: The Hobbit 3551

Breeding Rules

1. BlackGlassButterfly to fav.me/d4rjocr Breed picture: fav.me/d4tbwpk
2. TsonianFieldsRanch to fav.me/d4mz54b Breed picture: fav.me/d4s1fao
3. TsonianFieldsRanch to bloodwolfshowl.deviantart.com/… Breed picture: fav.me/d4srieq
4. AccountMoving to fav.me/d5bc169 Breedpic fav.me/d5dig01
5. saltyearthmango to fav.me/d550a1c
6. Dark-FaNtAsY-Farms to fav.me/d4st7hr Breeding Picture: fav.me/d54sty7
7. MorganFireStables to fav.me/d4nokbt Breeding Picture: fav.me/d4tu7u9
8. barbaro29 to fav.me/d4owfyn Breeding picture: fav.me/d4owfyn
9. Utakame to fav.me/d4n9w3q Breeding picture: fav.me/d4ryup2
10. King-Simon to fav.me/d4pr9oq Breed picture: fav.me/d4su79v

Breedings Upon Reaching Excelle
1. TsonianFieldsRanch used
2. Justalittlelost Used
3. TsonianFieldsRanch Used
4. AhernStables Used
5. WarriorBlackLeaf Used
6. sazzy-riza Used
7. iRideOn Used
8. Psynthesis USED
9. BloodWolfsHowl Used
10. Myhorsephoenix Used

Slot given by Q14 Snotface
1. KcW-Estate OPENNNNNN!! :D

Personality: He's cooky and zany, pulling faces and flopping about like a foal. He loves to prance and play, and can be hard to handle in training because he's so easily distracted. Around the foals or any form of a baby he's attentive and diligent, though, and very preceptive, making him an amazing child's mount. With adults, he just wants to pal around and have fun.

Fu does have a Roman nose, just in case you can't tell. :giggle:

Achievements I 
Achievements II
Nordanner Excellent Blood Trophy by sVa-BinaryStar
For :iconnordanner:
Horse ID #147
Horse name: TFR I Know Kung Fu 147 :trophy:
Breed: Pure Nordanner
Registered: Yes
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5 years
Height: 16.3 HH
Color: Black Panda
Genotype: EE aa PanPan
Training: Basic training given, can be ridden
Tack: Daily + Dragon hunter full gear. Seen tacked here: fav.me/d4otd6g

Original Picture: fav.me/d4oese0
Image size
2500x4343px 1.78 MB
© 2012 - 2025 TsonianFieldsRanch
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