Sweet ArrivalTsitra360 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/tsitra360/art/Sweet-Arrival-268286157Tsitra360

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Tsitra360's avatar

Sweet Arrival



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Yes!!! IM SOOO PROUD OF THIS!!! I don't know why but just allllll the effort I put into this, all the thinking and planning, and of course the actual painting has finally paid off!

The idea is that she arrived for the first time at Sugarcube corner. This is how I imagined it.

Time: I have no idea, this took several months. All together it was around 26 hours.
Program: Sketchbook Pro/Photoshop CS5.

Comment? Oh, and be sure to look for little easter eggs

Image size
2112x1320px 1.5 MB
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