mermaid tf the moisturizing creamtsilver on DeviantArt

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tsilver's avatar

mermaid tf the moisturizing cream



thanks you to paranojkalight [link] for give me the permition to use her body picture.

body : [link]
fish tail : [link]
cream : [link]
the picture of the cream : [link]

stangely it was the ground who was the more difficult.

Dominika had just finished washing and was beginning to prepare to exit. She was going to try a new moisturizer that his mother had bought her.
- The seller said his was all the rage. She said.
Dominika looked at the title. "The beauty of a mermaid"
She started and use. Once the skin absorb the cream did, she felt something on his feet.
- What is it? -she said, leaning-Scales?
Indeed scales yellow and brown were to appear and spread on his skin. She stood up and looked at the back of the bottle. "to become a real mermaid".
- They are serious?
Once the scales began to reach the knees, feet began to change shape. Change is made ​​to lose balance Dominika who fell back and hit the wall behind her. His feet began to merge and become a tail.
- But ... but ... I don't want to become a mermaid!
The merger of his legs and progression scales progressed with unbearable slowness. She wanted to reverse the process but she knew she could not do anything.
All she could do is wait until it finishes processing in shake flask is cursed.
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679x452px 248.78 KB
© 2012 - 2025 tsilver
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