StartledTsaoShin on DeviantArt

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TsaoShin's avatar




In a vast field on an unusually warm autumn day, a small cat napped after a long morning of hunting voles. His dreams were suddenly cut short, however, by the pounding steps of a nearby dragon.

The cat, frightened beyond belief, saw no other option but to arch his back and let out a hiss as felines usually do. The unsuspecting dragon jumped back and gasped. Like most dragons his age, he believed in ridiculous superstitions and feared cats like children fear the Boogey Man. The two froze in their tracks.

And as quickly as it started, both dragon and cat fled the scene in opposite directions - both equally relieved to get away unscathed.

I love dragons and cats. Drawn for fun in Adobe Photoshop CS4. Thanks for looking!

See some of my other fantasy pieces!
Bounding Barong by TsaoShin Manticore by TsaoShin Through the Woods by TsaoShin The Duel by TsaoShin
Image size
3300x5100px 4.81 MB
© 2009 - 2025 TsaoShin
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AlfaArtz's avatar
If That Cat Was A Grumpy Cat...
Grumpy Cat Used NO!
It Was Super Affective!
Amazing Art BTW :D