Trutze on DeviantArt

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Trutze's avatar

drawplz - an eye



Made with deviantART muro

I havn't been to the draw plz forums in a long time,
they have changed the drawing in comment function completly.
It's nice that you can nowsubmit your "draw plz" and to have all the regular muro functions instead of the limited comments thing, but on the other hands it's somewhat a loss,
the tiny canvas and limitations made it a challenge and it was fun.

Now people even just copy stuff into the muro and pass it off as just made for the forums :/
Well at least there is always the redraw button so you can find out if cheated or not pretty quickly.

Anyway- cat-eye again, thought maybe someone would enjoy it, as the redraw function is better than any step by step i could ever make :)
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598x497px 927.45 KB
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