3137 deviations
2751 deviations
Anime and Manga
182 deviations

Anime Cartoon 3D Girls
238 deviations

Female Beauty
524 deviations
Female Beauty Nude and Topless
233 deviations

86 deviations

Fractals and Abstract
227 deviations

All Scapes and Scenery
603 deviations

36 deviations

11 deviations

126 deviations

28 deviations

18 deviations

Wildlife and Pets
146 deviations

Web and More
3 deviations

Toys and Dolls
40 deviations

Too Cute
63 deviations
Transgender Beauty
14 deviations

Random Cool
96 deviations
6 deviations

Tolerable MLP
11 deviations

Used Stock
4 deviations

My Love Ryoko
12 deviations
Born from Siners
Born from sinners
Genetics hand made
Closely constructed, picked from men in magazinesSorry but I can’t protest
When the man deserved his own death
No sympathy given to the weakAsking the devil for conversation
No former friends to view
If only the genes hadn’t mutated
I’d be happy with youBut no.
X met X
Instead of Y
Did they ever exist? Had they not even tried?
Strangled and structured
Forced to agree
I grew up bruised and broken.
You happy and free
Never knowing real hardships
Yet still learning to overreact.
While I kept to myself
It kept me intact.I couldn’t tell you stories
Even if you pleaded
Suppressing daily memories
From decades ...
Awesome Words
1 deviation

Sweet Sweet Sasami
8 deviations