Adobe Tutorials and Articles Round Up! by ChewedKandi, journal
Adobe Tutorials and Articles Round Up!
Hey Guys!
Last year I was approached by the team behind Adobe Illustrator to create some tutorials using Adobe Illustrator CS5 as well as some articles featuring talented artists from around the world who use Adobe Illustrator. I'm happy to share that they are now all online for your reading pleasure :D
The three tutorials are linked in the following deviations, cover specific tools in depth:
:thumb277002163: Leo the Lion - covering Draw Inside and the Bristle Brush!
:thumb295113216: Moar Fish Plx - covering Width Profiles and Width Tool!
:thumb297496970: Day of the Dead - covering Kuler, Color Guides and Symbols tools!
The three articl
It's Free Premium Membership Day! by Ayame-Kenoshi, journal
It's Free Premium Membership Day!
Welcome, one and all, to Free Premium Membership Day! Today, we're giving every deviantART member an all-access Premium Membership pass!
:eager: Here's the deal!
Your username's symbol might look the same, but your account has been granted all the privileges of a Premium Member! Think of the day as an open house -- stop by, grab a cookie, and check out the features and goodies your Premium Membership has to offer.
For today only -- from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM Los Angeles, CA, time on January 19th -- all deviants can enjoy:
:bulletgreen: JournalSKINS!
Browse through the Installable Journal Skins category to pick your favorite JournalSKIN
Finally able to get a cat themed skin on my journal! :w00t:
I'd like to apologize for not being very active recently, lots of things going on in my live at the moment but the good news is that I will be back!
I do miss fractaling so will be going back to those, while maybe making an avatar or emoticon every now and then (if I got a nice idea for em >.< ).
And last, I know its kinda late but Happy New Year! :D
Heya peeps,
I'm sorry that I haven't been responding to messages for a while. I've been sick for several weeks now. At first they thought is was laryngitis but the antibiotics didn't work, so they did some blood tests which showed I've got Glandular Fever / Pfeiffer.
My throat is still very painful and I'll probably be easily tired for another month, not allowed to do much during that time.
Hugs and Kisses
:bulletyellow::bulletyellow: Update: Apparently reporting the fractals as having "Permission Issues" did work! :dance: Gallery has been wiped clean. :bulletyellow::bulletyellow:
Its a sad and frustrating time for fractal artists...we've got a thief in our midst.
The DA staff isn't planning on doing anything about it because they say they cant verify it, although to most of the fractal community its clear what happened.
Please go to fractek ('s journal and give her some support.
Also, if you get a mail with:
BeesKnees.ufl, CarlX.ufl, Stev0id.ufl, Encrypted1+2.ufl and Fractec.ufl and th