Hello there comrades,
So yeah, last few months I’ve been (once again) trying to get back into the groove. So far, I'm cautiously optimistic. I didn't want to just openly declare that I was restarting the comic since... well, some of you know how that went the last few times.
I've managed to add 8 completely new pages to the comic, as well as edit a few of the older ones and the new run of Vreakerz is currently 26 pages long. Furthermore, I've made some changes to my drawing process. As some of you might still know, I used to to draw both traditionally and digitally.
My old process looked like this (excluding the writing process):
1) sketch a few rough versions of the page based on the script on paper;
2) pencil and ink the page;
3) clean the page;
4) scan the page;
5) try to fix some of the errors;
6) colour the page;
7) add the dialogue and finishing touches.
Then, once I started using the new Cathedral 3D model, it changed a bit:
1) sketch a few rough versions of the page based