Higurashi No Naku Koro NitRoUbLeSoMecHiCa on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/troublesomechica/art/Higurashi-No-Naku-Koro-Ni-133114343tRoUbLeSoMecHiCa

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tRoUbLeSoMecHiCa's avatar

Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni



My first Higurashi group picture! : D I'm really happy how everything turned out x3

I tryed to make all of the outfits lolita style. I dont know. I question some of it, but I like the it none the less <:]

I drew this for an art contest at the Tokyo In Tulsa '09 <:]
It was orriginally just going to be a fanart for YenPlus magazine, but I was coming down to the wire of the T.n.T. and I found the picture. All I had done were sketches of Keiichi, Rena, Mion, and Shion. I ended up finishing the entire picture within a day or two before the convention.

And wa-la! the outcome! :]

Rena, Keiichi, Mion, Shion, Satoshi, Rika, Satoko
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (C) 07th Expansion

Gah! I think Rika looks too much like Bernkastel

lol my handwriting sucks

alright. So what's in Rika's hand is a 'shard of time'. Idk. If you've seen Kei, you'll probably get that. Shion's got her tazer. Just thought I'd clear that up <:]
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2565x2272px 3.03 MB
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