A bright amber light came below the ceiling of the runned down warehouse. A clear smell of ocean sea creeping in the cracks of the door. It was quite dim, not that many lights besides the glowing hot molten liquid in the room. Through the scenery, it was obvious there were two chimereons. One brown and white, they sure were doing… Things. The tall white chimereon had an unmeltable cup made of metals inside of the liquid metal, the inside of the cup contained a brown liquid. Coffee? Yup, it was coffee. Azazel put up the cup from the molten lava and placed it onto a table; the other chimereon, Darius, expressed his magic with the flow of a hand as the other held a book. The coffee exhaled a puff of steam. Both chuckled a slight bit before pouring the coffee into separate cups, piping hot coffee!
Both were about to take a sip before a big hulking chimereon entered the workshop, Lotus, holding a huge anchor. “What are you two doing?” He expressed. Holding the anchor over his