Deviation Actions
I liked this conky theme a lot, but it looked a bit too cluttered to me. So I modified it to make it look more minimal and modern. My CPU has 4 cores, so changed that too.
The theme requires conky-lua. Install it first. Also, download and install Santana font.
Read the README given with the zip file for more instructions. I have also included some wallpapers that you could use with this theme.
Enjoy, and please let me know how you like this theme.
Feel free to experiment with it and share the results!
Edit: I wrote this in college with no programming experience. Life got busy since then. I forgot about this completely until I came across some old emails in my inbox. I'm a software engineer now. Might revisit this at some point to get it working again. Not sure when though.
My modifications to the original theme:
- Made it look even more minimal.
- Added 4 cpu bars instead of 2, since many modern CPUs now have four cores. Thickened the battery and RAM
bars to give it a consistent look.
- CPU and memory conkys now show 4 items instead of 3.
- Reduced the size of clock hands.
- Added labels "Home" and "Root" to the space indicator.
- Removed minute and hour rings to make it look less cluttered.
- Removed the battery percentage level indicator, since the method it followed is deprecated in the recent
kernel versions.
- Fixed the repeated "conky: unknown variable" error in the console upon execution of the script
- Improved the "notes" conky a lot. Added a label "TO-DO" to it, and now it shows the number of items you have
in your to-do list (~/notes.txt).
- Removed the Gmail has apparently blocked such scripts since they're not secure enough.
- Moved everything to "~/.Conky", so no need of creating two different folders.
- A few more minor changes in font and positioning that I will probably remember after I've uploaded it.
My setup:
Arch Linux with XFCE. Using Numix icon theme. Plank as dock. Compton as the default compositor.
Damn, did not know this got so popular. I'll find a free weekend and get it working one of these days. Or if someone has forked it already, do leave a comment with the updated link.