Trollan-Otherworld's avatar


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In Revelations, I wonder if Orko's last thoughts were of Dree Elle?
Count Me in for the Hockety Pockety Whockety Whacked! Contest!
So has anyone read the ongoing DC comic where it's implied that Orko has somehow become the villain at the end? Or he has at least betrayed the Masters.
So, when are we going to get the contest results?:eager:
I have a question: I just uploaded a drawing of Orko I did in my childhood sometime in about 1990 in my scrapbook.
Does your group also accept such fanarts? I warn you: it's not high quality art - it's a kid's drawing ;)
Well, you likely did your best on it when you did it. And that's all that matters, that some effort was put into it. So, the drawing is certainly welcome.