Kinta Facts 1: Key Featurestrizzapon on DeviantArt

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Kinta Facts 1: Key Features

Character  DesdegCharacter  Loranna


To celebrate one year of internet presence, I present to you Kinta Facts, a ten-part series that serves as a species reference for my main characters and probable source of lore. I will be releasing the rest of the parts all throughout the rest of this month. Exciting!

The first part deals with external anatomy and appearances and such so you can spot one of these guys. Don't worry, not all the parts will be in this "labeled diagram" format.

Welcome to Kinta Facts, a ten-part series where I will introduce you to my species and the world that we live in! Let's start by identifying some of our physical traits:
- Fur typically shades of brown, tan, and grey; rarely, black or white. One or two coat colors at a time is common, three or more is rare. Eyes usually blue or purple, but can be any color.
- Five horns: one on each side plus three on top. Typically point back and up but can vary.
- Long hair on head, short hair on body. Prominent nose, short "snout." Catlike ears and bad teeth.
- Five-fingered hands, three-toed feet, digitigrade. Large-ish hands and feet, with large, blunt, and short claws.
- Tail length is 25 to 50% of height.

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