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Heartstrings ch5/p06 - A sudden visitor



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Le gasp! She seems to be afraid of BonBon! But fear not, for Detective Lyra is on the case! Sort of.

:iconlyraponyplz: :iconsays3plz: Wait, if everything is closed then why did we open up at all?
:iconbonbonplz: :iconsays3plz: Why, because that's what the script says! Plus, some ponies need to get their daily sugar dose, and the Cakes are closed too right now.

Also fun fact: The 9th panel came out rather creepy on the first try (a stare that would legitimately make anypony turn around and leave the shop without a sound), so I had to remake it. Damn it Bons, I know you want to be alone with Lyra but that's going too far!

Next on Heartstrings:
:iconbonbonplz::iconsays3plz: Now to watch these two and try not to get a heart attack.
As always, MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro and created by :iconfyre-flye:, please don't sue me.
The effect's font type is "Badaboom BB", made by Nate Piekos, and used for non-profit means.
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1063x7955px 1.56 MB
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CasualBrony999's avatar
look llike  ze pony is afraid of our dear little  bonbon