CityPop!Rhys - Wallpaper in ProgressTristikov on DeviantArt

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CityPop!Rhys - Wallpaper in Progress



A month ago I felt like drawing some retro fun with Rhys... I meant to finish the pinup, but this was as far as I got for now. That said, I really like the look of the simple retro-anime inspired line art over the blue tones.
Definitely a fun experiment to try to recreate the look of cel animation and the way 80s anime floof and lashes looked, since my own line art usually tends toward bolder lines and a lot of detail in the inking.

I still intend to finish this pic with some equally period shading and effects, so stay tuned for that!

Also, though I definitely DO NOT have the time to even think about a personal animation project, this would be a lot of fun to anime a simple loop of Rhys grooving out. She's just having such a good time even as a single frame!

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2560x1440px 1.35 MB
© 2024 Tristikov
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