TrippinMars's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Aug 12, 1996
  • United States
  • Deviant for 11 years
  • She / Her
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (115)
My Bio
Hi there, my name's Mars :P

Favourite Movies
Summer Wars, Spirited Away, Marley & Me, Princess Mononoke, Hot Rod
Favourite TV Shows
MLP: FiM (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Adventure Time, Bravest Warriors, Attack on Titan
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Monstercat Network, Savant, Parov Stelar, Electro Music, Electroswing Music, Dubstep, DnB, House, Rock, Lifehouse, Walk off The Earth
Favourite Books
Creepy Pasta, MLP:FiM fics, Warriors Series (the one with cats), The Sight, Twisted
Favourite Games
Skyrim, Bioshock, Need for Speed, Left 4 Dead 2, Phoenix Wright, Don't Starve
Favourite Gaming Platform
Computer (Preferably PC)
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Some Changes

0 min read
Oh dear, it really has been a while! Okay so, I'll make this short and sweet- *Apartment Living! -I am happily living with Wafflegodperson ( for approx. 7 months, and I'm still currently in classes right now. -I got myself a ball python! He's a super mojave male, his name is Sirius! He is currently 475 grams (starting from 116 grams when I got him June 2016) -I will be adding a new addition to my home, more specifically Wafflegodperson ('s brother, we'll be upgrading our 1 bed/1 bath to 2 bed/1 bath June 2017, so much mayhem will ensue. -About that job I was talking about in my previous journal entry, I freaking love it to death
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oh gosh

0 min read
okay, I took a break for a really long time and didn't realize how long I've been off deviantart so many messages oh my. I'll be back into doing commissions, I've been doing a bunch of stuff lately, but everything will calm down eventually. basically what's been happening is that I'm having a really hard time switching into a new job (which I will no doubt, like a lot), and I've been apartment hunting. I'm not sure how long I'll be living alone, but it's whatev's. The main reason why I'm trying to move out is for experience. I might end up moving in with Wafflegodperson (, but who knows, we'll see what happens. Hopefully everything wil
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Profile Comments 60

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Happy Birthday!!!
:iconexcitedapplebloomplz::iconsaysplz:Howdy there, friend!
:iconexcitedscootalooplz::iconsaysplz:We're here today to wish you a happy birthday!
:iconexcitedsweetiebplz::iconsaysplz:I'm so excited to do this! Rarity told me how fun it can be!
:iconscootalooplz::iconsaysplz:Dash said how important it is for us to greet our friends in the other world! It's an honour!
:iconapplebloomdaresyaplz::iconsaysplz:Focus, girls, remember how we practiced it...
:iconsweetiedetermined2::iconsaysplz:We wish you all the best on this occasion! May you have lots of happy times and good things come your way!
:iconsweetiebellehappy::iconsaysplz:And we wish you'll be able to do your best for yourself too! And, and...
:iconscootplz::iconsaysplz:And stay in good health and high spirits all the time! And believe in yourself and who you are!
:iconapplebloomplz::iconsaysplz:An' also we wish you great friendship and to have your nearest an' dearest with you to share in the good and deal with anything bad together!
:iconsweetiebelleyayplz::iconsaysplz:So on behalf of all Equestria we wish you...
:iconapplebloomawesome::iconsweetiebelleidea3::iconscootaderpplz::iconsaysplz:Happy Birthday!
We did it, girls.:iconsays2plz::iconproudcmc1plz::iconproudcmc2plz::iconproudcmc3plz:
:iconsweetiebelleidea4::iconsaysplz:Now let's all celebrate! Cue the music, Scoots!
Happy Birthday!!!
:iconprincesscelestiaplz::iconsaysplz:A very good day to you, human. I come to you on your day of birth with greetings... and thanks.
:iconcelestia-plz::iconsaysplz:My good subject Pinkie Pie told me she had taken to congratulating some humans on their birthdays, but even she has her limits. So she asked us for a bit of assistance... and for such friends of ponykind, we feel it right to provide it.
:iconhappycelestiaplz::iconsaysplz:It is thanks to people like you that our land of Equestria, our very world, exists like it does. It is your friendship with us that gave us life. For that, we will forever be grateful and cherish you.
:iconcelestiapleasedplz::iconsaysplz:And so, allow me to wish you happiness, peace, prosperity and fulfillment! My hope goes with you that you suffer no hardship in the year ahead, but should a challenge befall you, I am certain your courage and skill will see you rise to conquer it!
:iconcelestiaorlyplz::iconsaysplz:Now... where is she...
:iconlunawaveplz::iconsaysplz:Here, sister!
:iconcelestiahappyplz::iconsaysplz:Fashionably late, I see! But just in time for the greetings to be given.
:iconlunashappyplz::iconsaysplz:Right! I'm ready. Three, two, one...
:iconcelestiawubplz::iconsaysplz:Happy Birthday!:iconsays2plz::iconlunahaplz:
:icondatcelestiaplz::iconsaysplz:And now... let us commence the royal party.
Happy Early Birthday!