
Kenya's Mini Fic

Deviation Actions

trigirl48's avatar

Literature Text

"I always believed that war was the way to greatness and the only way to victory, but I now know winnable war does not exist. Either way, both sides lose. For when there's more than one being in the universe, there will always be fighting."

Sitting atop a rise, bronze colored spires jutted into the air. The golden orange light they reflected washed over the city as if someone had taken a paint bucket and dumped it over the buildings. Seeing the sun rise was something the citizens of Eta would never tire of. Figures moved in the streets, at first only a small handful. They all came from different directions but it was clear their destination, away from the city. More figures joined them as the golden glow of the buildings brightened.

A thin slice of light on the horizon made it known that the yellow orange reflections of the towers were not of the sun's fiery rays, but of actual fire. The city was burning. Bits of fire launched forth, lunging for the terrified mass. With an electrified crack, some fell, smoke billowing from gaping holes in their backs. Wires charred and crackling. The air was soon filled with the cries of the dying. The street before the crowd was blocked off. Mechs of various shapes, sizes, and colors knelt or stood behind a make shift barrier. All of them had there weapons pointed at the crowd frantically running towards them, and all had the same red faced symbol some where on their person. The group parted on one side to let the civilians through.

"Teams five and six make sure they get out all right!" a broad shouldered mech ordered. Three transport ships had been strategically placed for evacuations. A dozen mechs separated from the main group and took up new positions. It was clear though, that two teams weren't near enough to provide adequate protection to a group that size, but then again, with what was happening, not everyone was going to make it to the transport.

Almost as soon as the group had safely turned a corner, the sounds of battle could be heard from the main forces. An orange and white mech looked over his shoulder in the direction of the battle. He wanted badly to join, but stayed where he was. He knew to always follow his orders, and right now he had been ordered to protect the civilians. That was the main priority for this entire mission.

"Yo Omega." A lighthearted baritone voice said in his comm link. The receiving mech looked at the sky, Primus why?

"I told you to stop calling me that. It's not my name."

"Yeah but you're orange like Omega Supreme." Came the reply, one could tell the mech was grinning. "Omega" looked ahead and slightly to his left where he could barely make out a blue and green shape through the crowd.

"That doesn't mean you can call me that Maxis. And he's dark yellow not orange."

"Nah-uh, he's orange. Why do we always argue about this?" The shape wavered.

"Because your optics need tuning, now for the last time stop calling me Omega!" The orange and white mech nearly growled.

"Okay okay! Jeez, what crawled up your exhaust?" Maxis asked though he knew he wouldn't get an answer. The mech formally known as Omega, released air from his vents in a hiss, maybe this time Maxis would actually stop. His answer would come only a few moments later.

"So anyway Omega," He threw his hands up frustration, why does he even bother?

"Do you even know my real name!?"

" 'Course I do!" Maxis replied.

"What is it then?"

"If you're askin' me, you need to see a doc." Omega put his face in his hand and shook his head, aside from the fact that they were from the same city, and that they were seen together so often it was thought they were brothers while growing up; why was he friends with him?

"Maxis?" He as after a moment of trying to keep his sanity.


"What do you want?" There was a pause, and the longer it grew the less likely Omega felt he could keep what was left of his sanity.

"Y'know, I don't remember." Maxis finally answered. Primus someone shoot me now. Someone please shoot me now. He said to himself as he thought he felt the last of his sanity leave.

Omega almost got his wish. He caught a flash in the corner of his optic before the back of a mech nearby erupted in a red light. He spun around to see a group of Decepticons behind them.

"Take cover!" He shouted as his rifle spit out it's own bursts of red. The crowd panicked and broke up. True they were an easier target as a group, but they were also easier to protect. Over the comm link he told Maxis to get a few others and try to get the civilians out of there.

"You must be outta your processor to think I'm gonna leave you by yourself. Besides, Rover and his team are doing it." Omega turned for a moment to see a brown and tan mech attempting to direct the civilians without drawing too much attention from the enemy.

"At least his nickname is related to his real name." he mumbled. "Then let's give him some cover." he said into his comm link. His firearm let loose again, as Omega looked for some sort of cover. This part of the city was just now seeing the effects of battle, and as such there was no rubble to duck behind yet. Instead he had to make due with the artistic outcropping of a building.

It worried him that the Decepticons had come from behinds. It didn't look like it was from the direction of the main force, well main force for this part of the city. So they had to have come from somewhere. He looked around, but it was pointless. He needed to get to a higher spot, someplace where he could see abo- No, no not him. He couldn't get above the surrounding buildings, but he knew someone who could. Searching, he found that his friend already had the same idea. It didn't surprise him, they were close, so it wasn't unusual for them to have similar ideas at the same time and other mechs swore that they could read the other's mind. Omega could see the turbines on the back of Maxis' shoulders start up as he jumped into the air and twisted. A set of rotors appeared from subspace and he was transformed.

Omega watched as his newly transformed friend lifted into the air, plasma bursting from cannons on either side. Maxis banked right when he was high enough and started reporting on different situations.

"It looks like Rover and his team are clear for now, which is good because I don't know how much longer our guys can take." He shot his cannons in the direction they had come from while on foot, presumably at Decepticons.

"Maxis what are you doing? You're drawing attention to yourself!" Omega yelled over his comm link.

"They aren't expecting me, if I could push them back even a little bit..."

"You're an easy target in the air!" He scoffed and ran towards the spot Maxis was currently hovering over. He never did know when to be careful.

Suddenly there was an extra weight, and a tumbling sensation. Omega found himself in the middle of a tangled mass of metal limbs as his arm snapped out. He was rewarded with a resounding "clang" as said arm was met with something solid. From his position he couldn't see who had attacked him, but figured from the dull thuds repeatedly coming from his back, that it was an enemy. Omega sent his arm back again, this time his elbow was slightly bent. He rolled in the direction as the now falling mech, so the other didn't have a chance to recover, and jumped up. His rifle appeared in his hand, only to find the spot the Decepticon had previously occupied.

   He cursed, he didn't have time for this. He had to make sure Maxis didn't get himself killed. There was a movement at the corner of his optics and Omega barely had time to jump out of the way of the fist hurtling towards him. He grabbed another fist aimed for his chest, and tackled the offending mech, only succeeding in making him stumble a few feet.

   "Maxis!" Omega yelled, trying to maintain his hold on the Decepticon, "get your slaggin' aft after the Decepticons attacking us! They're coming out of the metalwork here!"

   "Huh? Oh yeah, that's right!" Maxis ended his barrage and turned around. "You need help down there?" Omega shifted, his shoulder slammed into the Decepticon's chest while his arms wrapped around him.

   "Just go!" He shouted. He straightened up, bringing the 'con with him and over his shoulder before letting go. The offending mech with landed with a thud, flat on his back. He wasn't there long though as he jumped up and lunged at Omega's knees. Because of their proximity, he had no time to move and found himself on the ground again. This time though, landing on his back. He brought his arms up to protect his face as the Decepticon delivered another set of blows. Omega grunted and brought his knee up to kick the other in the abdomen. When he was free he sent his own fist at the other mech hard enough to dent his face plate. The olive painted Decepticon staggered back, stunned. He recovered, but not in time to stop Omega from kicking him in the chest. Again he staggered back, but was able dodge another attack from the Autobot. He charged, and again the two were locked hand in hand.

   " 'Mega! I found 'em!" Oh, so now his nickname was even shorter? He was about to say something when he received a set of coordinates.

   "Tell the others, I'm still busy." He nearly grunted. The two of them were about the same strength, so it really came down to who would falter first. With help from another Decepticon, it turned out to be him. His focus wavered when he felt a searing pain in his back, and the stench of burnt metal entered his olfactory sensors. The distraction was enough for the first Decepticon to copy a move and ram his shoulder into his chest. He was prepared though, and grabbed onto the mech's torso, bringing him down with him. His legs swung back, so he and the mech were now in a rough arch formation. Omega couldn't quite get the strength to throw the other mech forward, so he twisted around and slammed him into the ground. Another bolt of plasma nearly knocked him to the ground. Thank Primus he had armor.
   Recovering his balance, Omega raced for cover. He couldn't fight one Decepticon while being shot at by another. His sights soon found the second Decepticon and he open fired. The second Decepticon ducked behind the corner of a building, giving Omega the chance to take cover in a door way without damage to anything vital. The Decepticon he had been fighting had disappeared but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. He thought about calling for back up, but opted not to, the others were needed to keep the civilians safe.  
   A plasma bolt too uncomfortably close to his head brought him back to the situation at hand. He did his best to use the entry way for cover, but the entry way was small, and he wasn't. It didn't matter though, as the first Decepticon made another appearance and Omega soon found himself trying to squeeze into a corner that very clearly did not want him there. And though the Decepticon he had originally been fighting had a clearer line of fire, his shots, or most of them anyway, were missing. More than likely because I bashed half his head in. He thought as he took aim with his rifle, hoping to get a head shot with one hit.
   Unfortunately, it took several tries before he got a successful head shot, but once down, the Decepticon was going to stay down. He then bolted from his spot, hoping that neither Decepticons had called for back up. He didn't run in a straight line, that would be the end of him for sure, instead he randomly changed his speed and direction. Even he didn't know when he was going to change, so his attacker would be equally unaware.

   When he was close enough that neither mech could miss, his rifle yet again shot out several bursts, each one hitting the Decepticon in the chest. This was enough to throw the mech's aim off, and Omega's knee was grazed. He grunted and barely kept himself from toppling over. The other mech was sprawled out on the ground with a fairly large hole in his chest, a very good sign that he was deactivated. Omega waited a few moments to make sure there wasn't anyone else that was going pop out before taking a break to do some basic medical care. He was surprised at how minor most of the damage was. He had some dents and scorch marks, that wasn't a surprise, and neither were the chips in his armor that were scattered about. He main concern was his left knee, as the outer edge was damaged considerably. The paint was blistered in some places, peeled away in others. Mostly in the area that was directly exposed to the plasma. He sighed when he was finished, he'd have to see a medic when this was all over, if he was still on line that is.
   Partially limping, he headed for the coordinates that Maxis had sent him. He hadn't heard anything from the mech in a while and wonder if he, and the others, were all right. Well, Range Rover could take care of himself, and so could his group. Maxis on the other hand...well he wasn't the kind of mech to pay attention to his surroundings and that was gonna get him killed someday. Speaking of the mech, he should probably contact to make sure he hadn't done it already, and to get an update about what was going on.  
   "Maxis," Omega said over the comm link, "what's going on with the civilians and getting them to the transport?"
   "Yeah, that's gonna be a problem," came the response, "They all decided to each run away in different directions. They're all scared out of their paint, so we don't know how many will actually remember to go to the ship." Omega cursed, everything to make their job easier. This wasn't what they needed right now, the plan was for a quick extraction and this was most definitely not quick.
   "At least tell me you're on the ground?" Silence. Of course. "Maxis, are you on the ground or not?"
   "Of course I am!" He could almost hear the "now" that he knew Maxis was thinking.
   "Maxis, you're supposed to be able to look out for yourself. You're a soldier for Primus' sake! I shouldn't have to watch your aft for you."
   "Okay okay jeez, what crawled up your tail pipe and died?"
   "Just give me your coordinates. And until you start paying attention to your surroundings, get out of that slagged sky!" Maxis simply chuckled as he sent Omega his current location.

What Omega found when he got there wasn't pretty, but then again war never was. He could hear the fight before he saw it, though he wasn't sure if the deactivated shells on the ground could be called seeing or not. He didn't remember there being that many Autobots when he left the group, but somewhere in the back of his processor, the word "reinforcements" surfaced. He didn't bother thinking about where they came from, as long as they were here.

He hobbled as fast as he could towards his comrades and as always there was a problem. He had to go around the Decepticons to get to the others. The only good thing about was that there were the same number on each side, about three dozen. That meant that even if he was spotted, they may not risk sending someone after him. No matter how slight it was, it would still be a disadvantage.  

He could sense that Maxis was nearby somewhere and started to circle around to the main force. As he did so, the are started to look familiar, and he realized that they were near the transport that had brought them to the city. Good, I won't have to wait long to see a medic. He was almost about to rejoin his group when he heard a familiar "thp thp thp" sound. Maxis had taken to the air again.  

Omega was tempted to yell at him about it, but the spot on his back where he got blasted was hurting now, and his knee was killing him. The familiar blue and green shape appeared over a building and transformed, using his shoulder turbines to lower himself to the ground. He wasn't even half way when Omega noticed a trail of smoke headed for the aerial mech.

"Maxis look out!" He shouted.

"Huh?" Maxis turned, only to have the missile hit him just below his chest. He crashed into a building and it collapsed.  

"MAXIS!!" Omega ran and started digging at the rubble. He frantically pulled away bits and pieces, trying to get to Maxis hoping that he was still still online. He was too preoccupied to think about calling for help and when he finally did make it down to Maxis, his systems almost purged. No amount of field medicine would make a chip in what was wrong with Maxis.  

It was clear that Maxis was off line, but Omega just knew  that he wasn't deactivated yet. He did what he could, praying to Primus that it would help, and put the mech on his back. His own injuries keeping him from transforming properly. Omega only took a second to make sure Maxis was settled properly and ran straight for the transport ship. It was only then that he realized he should probably contact someone.  

"Range Rover!"  

"Where the slag have you been!? Maxis just took off saying he could "feel" you were nearby, what the pit does that mean!?"  

"I don't know, but Maxis has been critically damaged, I'm taking him to the transport but if we get attacked neither of us will make it." There was a pause on Range Rover's side.  

"Rendezvous with my team at these coordinates. And don't get killed before then." Omega hoped to Primus that he wouldn't.  

Omega didn't get any warning when Maxis came online again.  

" `Mega, what are you doing?"

"Quiet, Rover's team and I are taking you back to the transport ship for emergency medical attention." He hadn't realized how calm and normal sounding his friend's voice was.  

"That bad huh? That missile hurt like the pit. You always said I made an easy target in the air."  

"You're too reckless for your own good." Omega stated, like he always had. It made Maxis chuckle again.  

"And you said that would get me killed too. I guess I'll see you when I see you." Omega didn't hear the latter part as the transport ship came into view. His spark filled with relief yet part of it felt strangely empty.   

Omega sat on a bench in Iacon across from a memorial statue. The square was abuzz with news of Sentinel's murder and a new Prime having already been named. Omega wasn't listening though, it had only been a short time since Maxis' deactivation and it was still weighing on him. If he had more medical knowledge, he might have actually been able to do something.  

"So what do you think about the new Prime, Optimus or whatever his name is." Omega looked over at the tan and brown mech that appeared next to him.  

"Leave me alone Range Rover."  

"If you keep brooding over it, it's going to destroy you. There was nothing you could do, the docs said that he was deactivated before he even hit that building."  

"He wasn't I talked to him right before we got to the transport." He was bound and determine to convince someone that he had. "Remember when he said that he could feel me nearby? Well I could feel him too, and I could feel that he was still alive up until we got to the transport. I don't know how else to explain it, but that's what happened."

"Still, you shouldn't sulk on it. By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, what's with the new paint job? Red and White doesn't suit you." Range Rover crossed his arms and leaned back so he could get a better look at the colors.  

"I'm not going to be a soldier anymore." Omega said almost grudgingly. He wished that the other mech would just go away and leave him alone. Rover's optics flashed.

"Omega don't you dare desert us! We need all the mech power we can get if this war is going to end quickly."  He looked like he was about to tackle Omega, who just made a noise similar to a snort.  

"I'm telling you right now, this war is going to drag on until there are none of us left. And don't call me Omega anymore, it was a nickname that Maxis gave me."

"Then what's you're real name know it all?" He raised and optic ridge. The newly red and white mech turned back to the statue.  

"Well first for your information, I'm not going to be a deserter, I'm going to be a medic and my real name is Ratchet."
I'm REALLY sorry it's so uber late.

For :iconkenyastarflight: because of [link]

I want to incorporate the top quote somehow but unless I get Kenya's permission to make it into a full fledge fic, I don't have enough space.

I don't know why DA made the paragraphs so weird so I apologize for that.

Thanks to :iconamaunet85: for being there to bounce ideas off of and encourage me when I had the internet and could talk to her.
© 2008 - 2024 trigirl48
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Amaunet85's avatar
*Squueeeesss* Yayyy! 'Mega rules ^.^
Awesome story tri! :) You're a really great writer ^.^ :+fav: