triggamafia on DeviantArt

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triggamafia's avatar




Doing this for the [link] art contest in celebration of Chinese New Years, and keeping it in the theme of the Year of the Dragon. The gimmick is that you can only use a dinosaur that has dragon in it's name. For example, Guanlong, Dracorex (Although, I don't think it's valid for the contest due to the questioning of it's existence), and of course Beishanlong. This is the WIP, and I will force my self to complete if I have to. Please tell me what to work on in this drawing. It only has partial material, so it gives a great amount of room for speculation. I think it still fits in the realm of plausibility, anatomy wise, and the throat pouch should be as well.

Please give me critiques, as this is not finished until the day it's due. :P

This was really fun to draw, but I was really busy, so it was hard to find time to color this.


EDIT: changed the foot claw colors to match the finger claws, and realized the base of the tail was actually supposed to be scaly, but I colored it as if it were feathered. Thanks Tomozaurus!
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974x670px 200.09 KB
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lucasisYOSHI's avatar
good job capturing the shaggy coat on it! :la: