
18034 deviations

278 deviations

All Horses Great and Small
9878 deviations

1236 deviations

Equine Stock
2724 deviations

Miscellaneous Creature Art
584 deviations

Other Animal Stock
387 deviations

Animal Photography
82 deviations

Human References and Art
179 deviations

Human Stock
198 deviations

Landscapes and Scenery Art
415 deviations

Background References
356 deviations

Horse Art Lighting Examples
302 deviations

Coat Color Examples
16 deviations

Inspiration for PH and HL
45 deviations

Blueprints and Maps
133 deviations

Dream House Ideas
36 deviations

Heraldic Creatures
66 deviations

Takotas and Shedu
78 deviations

C. S. Lewis and Narnia
15 deviations

J.R.R. Tolkien and LOTR
75 deviations

Other Fandom Art
145 deviations

187 deviations

Dividers and Page Icons
157 deviations
God's Love Letter to You
The words you are about to experience are true...They will change your life if you let them,
for they come from the very heart of GodHe loves you,
and He is the Father you have been looking for all your life This is His love letter to you: My child,You may not know Me, but I know everything about you Psalm 139:1I know when you sit down and when you rise up Psalm 139:2I am familiar with all your ways Psalm 139:3Even the very hairs on your head are numbered Matthew 10:30For you were made in My image Genesis 1:27In me, you live and move and have your being Acts 17:27-28For you are my offspring Acts 17:28I knew you even before you were conceiv...
2 deviations

Horses for Me
26 deviations
Ben Lomond Endurance Race
Ben Lomond Climb Endurance Event
Deadline: January 18th EXTENDED! New deadline is February 22nd.
NO pre-registration - entries accepted until the end of February 22nd in all time zones.
Location: Scotland
This event starts near Cashel Forest and Nature Centre at Loch Lomond Riding Stables, makes a hike up Ben Lomond via the Ptarmigan Loop, and ends back at the riding stables.
Length: 25 km
Breeds: All natural appearing breeds welcome.
Level: Challenging climb requires experienced horse/rider combo. Not recommended for entire beginners (though you are at liberty to enter whoever you’d like). Not super long course so could be fine for cold hardy beginners.
Info: It’s late November and there’s been quite a bit of snow spotted near the summit of Ben Lomond. The weather is cold, with biting winds, and gets colder and icier the higher you go.
Your team will start with a vet check before starting off at the Loch Lomond Riding Stables. Teams will follow alongside roadways (through
Shows and Events
231 deviations
Royally Frozen II {RESULTS}
<<< Main Journal >>> Wow. Judging took me 4 hours!
Y'all did such an amazing job with your entries and I'm so happy so many of you entered!
This will be back at the end of this year again if you want a 3rd edition :3 I will send points after a few days so no one gets a spoiler XD Critiques: If you want me to critique your entry, please note me and link your entry and I'm happy to tell you what I liked and what I think would be better for your entry :hug:
A critique includes your score breakdown by categories I listed on the main journal, and a little paragraph for each category explaining the above~ Some analytics: Of the 32 entrants, ...
HARPG Results, Awards, etc.
18 deviations
willamette farm and stud
Willamette Farm & StudA LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMENOn 30 wooded acres bordering the Willamette National Forest outside of Eugene, Oregon, stands Willamette Farm & Stud. We are here to offer a new line of warmblood stallions at stud that have the capability of siring future champions in the jumping, dressage, and eventing world. We take the interest of our horses to heart and aim to follow their dreams in order to reach ours in whatever discipline that may be. There is no mold. If they want to dance, give them a stage. If they want to jump, help them grow their wings.DO SOMETHING GREATWillamette Farm actively participates in the local...
103 deviations

Horses for Sale, Lease, and Slots
512 deviations
ESS 2018 *11-29-18* LAST CALL!
11-29-18 Hello everyone! I appreciate all the panicked notes I've received (seriously your guys passion is what gives me strength to keep things going this time of year :hug: ) however don't worry I didn't miss you! The flu bug decided to come pay me a visit and resulted me in pretty much being dead to the world these last few days. However I am doing a bit better and am determined to get notes out tonight. Oh and for all those people who sent in notes or comments after the deadline wanting to join you can still join as long as you get your application sent into me before 9pm MDT ( 8PM PDT, 10PM CDT, 11PM EDT) What is a "Secret Santa" ...
HARPG Contests, Raffles, and Giveaways
64 deviations

DA Breeds
17 deviations

Bio Lumino
176 deviations

40 deviations
The HARPGers ULTIMATE Appaloosa Guide
Hi all its your resident genetics nerd and appaloosa expert here to finally demystify the confusing world of appaloosa patterns, and also set the record straight on the blatant misuse of the term "dominant" and "recessive" that I see running rampant in this community. If you've only learned dominant/recessive from other breeds and not from an actual, like, biology textbook, PLEASE read this journal CAREFULLY to correct your knowledge, as those terms are important to understanding appaloosa patterning.
Disclaimer: I did a butt-load of research for this article and even talked to my IRL half-aunt who breeds appaloosas in New Mexico and dropped $35 for a subscription to The Appaloosa Project... However I'm just a comic book artist and not a biologist and there's a good chance I screwed something up, so please correct my mistakes if you see any and you have the sources to back it up.
Genetic terminology which I stole from Wikipedia because it's explained really well.
HARPG Tutorials and Generators
86 deviations

Miscellaneous HARPG
55 deviations

Tutorials, Textures, and Brushes
63 deviations

Rainmeter Interface, Skins, and Wallpapers, etc.
37 deviations