Ralts Community Day Classic!TrexisGaming on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/trexisgaming/art/Ralts-Community-Day-Classic-1151033878TrexisGaming

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Ralts Community Day Classic!


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Happy Ralts NB variocolorCommunity Day Classic Everyone! As usual I made an artpiece as well as a sticker celebrating the event! From 2pm to 5pm your time, the spawn rate of Ralts with an increase chance of being shiny(or a 1:25 odds if you care about that), and all Kirlia that evolve during the event regardless of which evolutions you choose. You will also have a chance to get the new Pokemon Go border icon on any Ralts you catch during the event and I believe you are guarantee at least one with you do a task(but don't quote me on that if I'm wrong).

To be honest I forgot this month had a second community day soo my what I planned on working on and uploading this week kind of got messy as a result. luckily I manage to figure it out in time before it was too late. I hope you enjoy it and have fun with the event;P!

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1519x1000px 1.71 MB
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BluegirlWoomy's avatar

Oh my gosh, a shiny