Terminator: Dark Fate NECA HeadsculptsTrevorGrove on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/trevorgrove/art/Terminator-Dark-Fate-NECA-Headsculpts-801535314TrevorGrove

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Terminator: Dark Fate NECA Headsculpts



No fate but what we make! New headsculpts of the T-800 and Sarah Connor for NECA's toys based on the upcoming sequel Terminator: Dark Fate.

I love Linda Hamilton's Sarah Connor, and it was great to get to sculpt her older. My first professional job many, many years ago was a T2 Sarah Connor... so it was awesome to have things come back around all these years later. Arnold is, of course, always a blast, too, and this was my first chance to sculpt him older. Aging robots are not to be f***ed with!

These will be released as 7" action figures, and you can see the finished prototypes here:

Sculpted in wax, as usual, at two-up size (loosely 1:6). The final toys are shrunk down with magic...or Cyberdyne Systems. ;)
Image size
498x412px 201.53 KB
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