Doctor Who and the Secret Time LordsTravisTheGeek on DeviantArt

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Doctor Who and the Secret Time Lords



You... are... not... alone........

Inspired by the numerous fan theories I've heard about characters of various books, movies, and TV shows who are secretly Time Lords. I think the trickiest part of this picture was choosing my line up. My friends helped me come up with several ideas and then I had to narrow it down to the ones that best matched the theme. Some of the criteria I looked for included unusual forms of transportation, anything that's 'bigger on the inside', regeneration/multiple iterations, ect. Some of the secret Time Lords that didn't quite make it were Harry Potter, Batman, and Yoda.

Here we have (from left to right): Marry Poppins, Doc Brown (Back to the Future), James Bond, Willy Wonka, the Doctor, Mrs. Frizzle (the Magic School Bus), Gandalf (the Lord of the Rings), and Santa Claus.
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© 2012 - 2025 TravisTheGeek
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wolfjmk's avatar

At first James Bond, surprised me. Lol but now that I think about it. It does make sense.